
to digital Third Space!

Aug 31 & Sept 1

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Accessible Virtual Pride Celebration: Uniting Covid Cautious LGBTQ+ and Allies!

🌐 Join the One Free Community VIRTUAL Protest.

Next Event Info Dates will be shared here when ready.

Not everyone can join in person. Some are due to ​financial, safety, or inaccessibility. One Free Community ​is hosting a VIRTUAL Protest!

How it works!

  • Join protest from home on your phone or computer
  • Like, comment, share
  • Group calls to action!
  • Watch your favorite content creators talk about ​activism!

Protests aren’t just calls to action; it's a performance of ​justice. Let's shift towards community care! ✊

Who WE Are

One Free Community is a BIPOC led collaborative project working toward building communities and providing disability & neuro-affirming spaces online through TikTok and Discord. We are a decolonization-focused advocacy organization committed to mutual aid and collective cross-solidarity activism.

We are a digital third space committed to building a supportive & inclusive community. We host weekly events & pioneering initiatives, such as Accessible Virtual Pride. Our diverse membership creates a safe space for collaboration, mutual aid, & social change. We are actively decolonizing through educational programs & meaningful collaborations with like-minded organizations. OFC actively focuses on centering the most marginalized among us by supporting each other doing anti-racism work!

Simple Smartphone Frame


Reconnect humanity with meeting its needs via community rather than commerce. Connect people with needs to the people able to comfortably meet those needs, both locally and remotely, at zero cost to users. Needs can be anything that is needed to help a person thrive. Help can be physical, virtual, emotional, and more.


  • Anti-isms: Founded by BIPOC disability and LGBTQ+ members. We are against discrimination on the basis of sex, gender, sexuality, neurodiversity, disability, race, nationality, class, and status.
  • Inclusivity: We center, uplift, and listen to marginalized voices and operate with social justice in mind
  • Accessibility: We strive to be neurodivergent friendly and operate with disability justice
  • Free to users: Money from donations, grants, and sponsorships will help to fund the function of OFC. We will not sell data, or advertisements. Community Built, Community Organized, Community Run.
  • Abundance Mindset: Assume positive intent and give grace.
  • Collaborative Spoonie Model - an original OFC framework applying the social model of disability to the Holacratic Working Method for members’ wellbeing, wherein they only share what is within their energy to offer.


These are action items and resource links shared by members of our community.

  • Free Palestine Organizations
  • Mutual Aid Resources
  • How to get involved
Simple Smartphone Frame


All members can host & attend events:

See our 2023 in Review


Supporting our community allows us to continue to provide events and a healing space for our community. Your support goes to help us pay for:

  • Event Programing
  • Tech Tools Co-Op
Ko Fi Funding User and Getting Support from People Who Love Your Work.

Meet the Volunteers


Seed Bomber



speed reader



Collector of Cats



Skull collector



Whoop Wizard



Libby Lady



CHAos Raven






We are updating this page as spoons allow.


Q: Who can join?

A: Anyone who respects our values, agrees to our community guidelines, and wants to make friends following the 10 principles of disability justice.

Q: How can I contribute?

A: Let us know in #Helping OFC

Time - Volunteer in the Discord.

Money - Donate to keep us going.

Skills - Join a Project or Event, or lead your own!

Q: How do I join?

A: Our community is primarily in Discord. The link is at the top of this page. Click on “Join Us” to get the link to the server.



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